Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, 18 October 2016/ ACP: The President of Equatorial Guinea, H.E. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo recently announced his commitment to host an ACP information centre for South-South Cooperation in the country's capital city Malabo, which would foster cooperation amongst the 79 member countries of the ACP Group of States, as well as ACP collaboration with other partners of the Global South.
“It is with honour and enthusiasm that the Republic of Equatorial Guinea host the ACP headquarters for South-South cooperation, an undertaking it regards with the greatest respect and strongest intentions. This is a commitment that Equatorial Guinea illustrates ipso facto through the provision of a fully equipped and computerized building that will serve as the permanent headquarters for South-South Cooperation for the ACP Group,” President Obiang declared [original speech in Spanish] during a special award-giving ceremony held at the Sipopo Convention Centre on 8 October 2016.
“We can rely on the size of our group and the strength of its commitment to promote the collective interests of ACP countries and establish a crucial alliance not only with Europe but also with emerging players in the global economy, and thereby promote our aspirations for efficient and environmentally sustainable economic development,” he continued.
During the high level event, the ACP Group bestowed the Head of State with a special award in recognition of his assistance to the ACP Group, whose main goal is to promote sustainable development and the eradication of poverty in its member countries. The award was presented in line with the Vote of Thanks issued by the ACP Council of Ministers at their 101st Session in Brussels 29 May 2015.
President Obiang presided over the 7th Summit of ACP Heads of State and Government, which was held in Malabo in December 2012, and has since held the Presidency of the highest decision-making body of the ACP Group up to June 2016, when he handed over to the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Peter O’Neill of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea during the 8th Summit in Port Moresby, PNG on 31 May to 1 June 2016.
“The ACP Group of States, all 79 of our Member countries wish to express and place in the annals of the historic record of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, our profound thanks and gratitude for His Excellency’s invaluable service to the family of nations, and his steadfast commitment to furthering the advancement and continuing unity and solidarity of the ACP Group,” stated the ACP Secretary General H.E Dr. Patrick Gomes.
The Secretary General highlighted the generous support of the President and his Government towards ACP efforts, as demonstrated by financial assistance for a humanitarian mission to ACP member state Vanuatu, when it was devastated by Cyclone Pam in 2015. It also facilitated the work of the ACP Eminent Persons Group is helping to chart a reinvigorated and sustainable vision for the future of the organisation.
The ACP Secretary General recognised the efforts of the Ambassador of Equatorial Guinea based in Brussels, H.E. Mr. Carmelo Nvono Nca, in facilitating the success of the event.
(Pictured from top: ACP Secretary General H.E. Dr. Patrick Gomes hands over award of appreciation to the President of Equatorial Guinea H.E Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo in Malabo; ACP Secretary General in discussions with the President;Ambassador of Equatorial Guinea to the EU H.E Nvono Nca (second from left) with the ACP delegation headed by the ACP Secretary General (centre) and guests.Photos by Carmen Matas Gallardo/Embassy of Equatorial Guinea in Brussels).
– ACP Press