Brussels, 27 November 2017/ ACP: Higher education institutions (HEIs) as well as post-graduate students from Africa, Caribbean and the Pacific are eligible to take part in Erasmus+ programmes, including through scholarships to study for joint Masters’ degrees in Europe, and cooperation between ACP and EU institutions on programmes for youth and capacity building.

Erasmus+ is the European Union's programme for education, training, youth and sport. Each year the programme selects new projects under a call for proposals. The 2018 Call for Proposals was launched on 25 October 2017, with deadlines in February 2018. Higher education institutions and individuals from ACP countries are able to take part in any of the following components:

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees

EU and ACP universities or higher education institutions, partnering together as an international consortium can offer a number of joint degree programmes to students in their countries. These Masters students are awarded full-degree scholarships covering tuition, travel and living allowance. Students normally spend two years studying in at least two different Programme Countries and are awarded a joint, double degree, or multiple degrees, upon their graduation.

To participate, HEIs from Erasmus+ Programme Countries (in Europe) submit a Joint Master Degree application on behalf of the consortium. HEIs from ACP countries can then act as partners. Other organisations such as enterprises, public bodies, NGOs and research institutes from Programme Countries or Partner countries may also participate as partners or associated partners. Students apply directly to the programme of their choice.

The current list of programmes which will take place the next academic year 2018, can be found in this Catalogue:

Mobility schemes with one or more European HEIs

The International Credit Mobility (ICM) action funds short-term study trips for students, researchers and staff to and from Europe. Students come to the host institution for 3-12 months, obtaining 'credits' which are then recognised at the sending institution as part of their degree. ICM also funds staff mobility for 5-60 days.

This action is decentralised and managed by the network of Erasmus+ National Agencies (NAs) located in Programme countries in the EU. HEIs in ACP countries should contact HEI's from Programme Countries in Europe who are able to apply on behalf of both. If selected, the two universities sign an inter-institutional agreement and will be able to begin the mobility and exchanges next year.

Capacity-Building projects in higher education

HEIs from ACP countries can take part in capacity-building projects in partnership with HEIs from Europe. These projects can be:

• Joint projects: to help HEIs from ACP countries to develop, modernise and disseminate new curricula, teaching methods or materials, as well as to boost quality assurance and governance of HEIs.

• Structural projects: to develop and reform HEIs and systems in ACP countries; to enhance their quality and relevance, promote regional cooperation and increase convergence with international developments in higher education.

Applications can be submitted either by the HEI in the ACP country or in Europe. Non-academic partners can also be involved, if their participation helps achieve the aims of the project.

Capacity-Building projects in youth

Capacity-building projects are transnational projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of youth in EU and ACP countries, aiming to foster cooperation and exchanges in the field of youth, promote transnational non-formal learning mobility, and improve the quality of youth work, non-formal learning and volunteering, among other things.

Any programme country organisation in the EU can apply on behalf of all organisations involved in the project, including organisations in partner countries. Youth-led organisations in ACP countries can participate as NGOs, enterprises, educational institutions, foundations or other bodies active in the field of education and training, and the socio-economic sector.

The projects which last from 9 months up to 2 years, can focus on either capacity building or mobility activities. In capacity building, activities can be any youth event encouraging policy dialogue, cooperation, networking and exchanges of practices in the field of youth. Mobility activities can be youth exchanges between EU and ACP countries, European Voluntary Service from/to eligible ACP countries, or mobility of youth workers between eligible ACP and EU countries.

Promoting excellence in EU studies

Jean Monnet activities promote excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide, fostering dialogue between the academic world and policy-makers by funding modules, chairs and Centres of Excellence. HEIs from ACP countries may apply for these activities.

For more information on any of these programmes, including about how to apply and deadlines, please download the brochure on Erasmus+ in ACP countries.