Brussels, 11 August 2017/ ACP: The African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States is keenly following the ongoing electoral process in Kenya. It commends the Government of Kenya for well-organised general elections successfully held on 8 August 2017, in a peaceful environment and congratulates the People of Kenya for their massive turnout at the polls, which reflects, once again, their commitment to peace and democracy in Kenya.
The African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States remains convinced that the People of Kenya and all relevant stakeholders will continue to demonstrate the same commitment in order to ensure a successful and peaceful outcome of the electoral process.
In this regard, the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States would like to call on all political actors to exercise maximum restraint and to calmly await the election results.
The African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States reaffirms its commitment to the principles of solidarity and complementarity, which are the basis of its relations with regional organisations, including the African Union (AU), and supports the preliminary statement of the AU Election Observer Mission.
The African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States stands with the People of Kenya in promoting peace, stability, democracy, good governance and the rule of law.
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