Niamey, 18 October 2019: The African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States, in partnership with the European Commission (EC), launched a new Programme to support the cultural sector, ACP-EU Culture.

Themed, “Towards a sustainable cultural industry”, the programme was officially launched and presented by H.E. Léonard-Emile Ognimba, Deputy Secretary-General of the ACP Group, at the 5th meeting of ACP Ministers of Culture, which was held in in Niamey, Niger from 19 – 20 October 2019.

This ambitious Programme aims to boost the potential of the cultural and creative sector and to contribute to the social and economic development of the ACP countries. It is intended to promote entrepreneurship and cultural and technological innovation, especially among young people; to create jobs and to increase the income of artists and cultural professionals as well as to improve the quality of ACP cultural production.

It will support access to international and regional markets, the mobility of artists and creators, the dissemination and promotion of ACP cultural goods and services, image education, the creation and production of quality goods and services at a competitive cost supported by digital technologies and better access to finance through innovative mechanisms.

With a budget of €40 million for the period 2019-2024, the Programme foresees several actions and tools to support the cultural sector across the ACP countries: three calls for proposals in the fields of audiovisual co-production, performing and visual arts, cultural heritage, books and literature, as well as design, fashion and crafts. A digital platform will allow cultural professionals to meet, network, exchange information and share projects ( A number of partnerships in the public and private sectors are also planned. The Programme will rely on various communication and visibility initiatives.

The guidelines of the calls for proposals will be published soon on the ACP-EU Culture website.

This is the 4th Programme supporting culture in the ACP countries, implemented by the ACP Secretariat and funded by the European Development Fund, which is jointly managed by the ACP and the EU.

Communication contact:

Maryse Henry

Technical Assistance Unit of the ACP EU CULTURE Programme

tel.: +32 (0)497 45 44 40 or